Block Breaths for LEGO Loving Kids

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Teaching children about mindfulness and breathing activities can be a fun and engaging process. Block Breaths for LEGO loving kids is one creative approach that uses LEGO bricks to engage children in well being activities.

Not only do these exercises help children learn to focus their attention and become more attuned to the present moment, but they also promote creativity and imagination. You can find find the instruction to Block Breaths below and some other LEGO themed breathing activity ideas. Support this activity with my Block Breaths Printable Kit.

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Block Breaths LEGO breathing activity for Kids

Block Breaths for LEGO Loving Kids

How to take a Block Breath:

Before you start:

Instructions for taking a Block Breath:

Spark the Imagination:

To begin, ask children to imagine building a tall LEGO tower. As the tower gets taller, they can stretch up and feel calmer.

Then share the breathing block rhyme, “Brick by brick. Breathe in slow. Block by block. Your calm will grow.”

Related Post: Using Affirmations with Kids

LEGO themed Mindfulness Activity  - block Breaths for LEGO loving kids


“Today we’ll be practising a calming breathing activity called block breaths, and we’ll be using LEGO bricks to help you trace a shape with your finger.”

Hand out a 2 x 4 brick to each child. As a mindful moment before they practise breathing ask children: “Can you notice the colour and shape of your brick? How many studs does it have on the top? What does the brick feel like held in your hand?”

Block Breaths Instructions:
  1. Place the tip of your finger on one of the corners of your brick.
  2. Take in a breath and slowly trace your finger alongside as you breathe in. Then pause and trace the next side of your brick.
  3. As you reach the next corner, start to slowly breathe out.
  4. As you reach the final corner, pause as you trace the last side of the brick.
  5. Repeat this 2 more times and at the end repeat the affirmation. “I am as sturdy as a building brick.”

Reflect: Ask children to share anything they liked or noticed. Block breaths is a playful breathing activity using plastic bricks.

Brick Themed Well Being Activity to help kids manage stress

Three More LEGO Themed Breathing Activities for Children.

The LEGO Breathing Boat

Give children a selection of bricks and ask them to build a small boat. Once they have built their boats, invite them to lie down on their backs.

Next, position their boats on their bellies. Children can then watch as their boats rise up and down to the rhythm of their breathing.

This simple activity not only promotes creativity and imagination in children, but it also helps to develop their mindfulness and breathing awareness.

Counting Studs

Give children a 2 x 3 block and ask them to count the studs. Each pair of studs represents a breath.

As they take their first breath, they place their finger on the first stud and count 1 in their heads. As they breathe out, they place their finger on the second stud and count 2 in their heads.

They repeat this until they have taken three breaths and counted to six. They could keep the brick in their pocket as a reminder to use their healthy coping skill when needed.

LEGO Balloon Powered Car

Make a LEGO balloon powered car. You’ll need a few basic LEGO elements including wheels, a balloon, and some tape. You can find some great instructions here:

When you’re ready to test your LEGO balloon-powered car, place it on a flat surface and release the end of the balloon. As the air rushes out of the balloon, it will propel the car forward.

You can use this activity alongside my free Balloon Breaths activity

Stay Calm and Play with LEGO

By engaging children in these LEGO themed breathing activities, you are not only teaching them valuable mindfulness skills but also helping them develop creativity and imagination. Happy building and breathing!

Take Care - Emma

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