Jar of Worry Clouds Activity for Kids

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This Jar of Worry Clouds activity for kids is a creative mindfulness exercise, which can help children to learn to manage worries. Children fill the clouds with their worries then imagine opening the jar and letting the clouds float away.

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This Jar of Worry Clouds activity for kids is a creative exercise which can help them to learn to manage worries.

How to do The Jar of Worry Clouds Activity with Kids:

Here are some steps on how to use this technique with kids, use alongside my printable worksheet:

  1. Explain the concept: Start by explaining to the children what the Jar of Worry Clouds represents. Explain that the jar is a safe place to store worries and the clouds are a space where we can write our worries down. When we express our thoughts and feelings, we process them and they can feel lighter, just like clouds.
  2. Give examples: Give some examples of some worries that your child may have and talk about times when you have experienced worries. For example, there may of been a time when you have had worried thoughts about school but when you express your worry through writing down, art or talking with someone it can help.
  3. Create a safe creative space: Make sure the children feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings. Encourage them to be honest and open, and tell them that it’s okay to have feel all the feelings. Have lots of pens, coloured pencils and art supplies available for the activity.
  4. Activity Part 1: Ask your child to share a worry. Listen carefully to what they say and ask follow-up questions to encourage them to elaborate on their thoughts and feelings. Ask them to then write their worries down in the clouds and decorate / colour in the page. If you do not use the worksheet then the child can draw a jar and clouds.
  5. Activity Part 2: Next ask your child to relax and if they like they can close their eyes. Then ask them to imagine opening the jar lid and letting the clouds float away slowly. Keep watching the clouds as they slowly float to the sky and eventually turn to wisp and disappear.
  6. Use it regularly: Make this a regular routine to help children develop their emotional intelligence and learn how to express their feelings in a healthy way.

{Related Post: What are Emotions? {+ Free Feelings List}


☁️ This Jar of Worry Clouds activity for kids is a creative mindfulness exercise, which can help us to learn to manage worries. You fill the clouds with your worries then imagine opening the jar and letting the clouds float away. #relaxwithme #colorwithme #colourwithme #anxietyrelief #managingstress #relaxing

♬ Aesthetic – Tollan Kim

This kids feelings activity can support children with developing self care practice and learning to manage anxiety & stress. I hope you enjoy the ‘Jar of Worry Clouds’ and it helps your worries float away!

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